A Great Place to Start

Prior to taking a deep dive into the world of blogging, I sought to identify a few blog sites to serve as examples and provide a little inspiration. Two simple, but essential, criteria guided my search. The blog was required to

1. be current with a post within the last two to three months, and

2. demonstrate a focus on instructional design and learning.

My search resulted in an abundant list of blogs relating to ID; however, a large number of blog sites found were dated. Thinking that others might have an interest in finding other sites, I offer the following three blog sites that piqued my interest along with a brief overview of if the publisher's focus for your review and consideration. 

Dave's Whiteboard, published by Dave Ferguson, provides a public space where the author explores his professional interests and tweaks his ideas. Much of the content relates to learning, training, and performance improvement. The site launched in December of 2006 and the last post was published in February 2021. 

Instructional Design, published by Nicole Papaioannou, Ph.D., offers insights into instructional design. The blog is included as a page on her professional website that is designed to market her services as a consultant and generate business. The blog posts focus on supporting the development of novice developers and provide insight into training/professional development, education, system design, and more. The blog site launched on May 1, 2018 and the last post was published on September 29, 2021.

Scissorstails Creative Services is published by instructional design consultant and former teacher, Kayleen Holt. Her blog focuses on learning development for instructional designers, inclusive of e-learning scenarios, storytelling, effective writing, inclusion, and accessibility. The earliest post was published on February 20, 2021, and the last on November 1, 2021.

I found each of the sites easy to maneuver and visually appealing with a lot of white space. I also liked that the blog posts were targeted at helping to develop new IDs. I bookmarked each site and signed up to receive notification of new posts with hopes of generating new ideas and insights that will broaden my understanding and knowledge of concepts, strategies, and development.

Until next time ...

The Arriant Artificer


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