High Tech Training

Technology continues to transform how instruction, training, and learning occurs. The integration of networks, hardware, software, and design influence how knowledge is transferred. Whether internally or externally, organizations utilize technology to construct and deliver instruction as well as to determine the effectiveness of the delivery (Lockett, 2022). This posting examines five technologies for training, their current impacts, and future implications for training.

Simulations and Games signify the use of technology to actively engage learners in an experiential exploration of instructional design elements. Best used to instruct complex processes (Noe, 2020). More traditionally used to train within manufacturing settings (Noe, 2022), simulations and games challenge learners to gain an understanding of concepts through application and practice (Arshavskiy, 2021). Benefits include active engagement, adaptability, self-paced, standardization, and cost-effectiveness. Continued advancements in virtual reality, augmented reality platforms, adaptive software tools, and design software applications will further expand the use of gamification within professional and educational settings.

Augmented Reality (AR) integrates digital information by overlaying generated perceptual information over the user’s environment in real-time (Gillis, 2022). It either visually changes the environment or adds information to it using visual elements, sound, and other sensory information. Virtual reality (VR), on the other hand, immerses the user in a computer-generated simulation of a 3D environment where they can interact in a seemingly real way (Sheldon, 2022). The popularity of AR and VR continues to grow as the availability and use of apps such as Pokémon Go and networks to support cloud-based experiences expand.

MOOC or massive open online course delivers online university-based instruction at no cost. For online training, MOOCs are best used to deliver facts, figures, strategies, and interpersonal skills (Noe, 2020). The free courses create access to knowledge easier by providing segments of degree programs giving learners the semblance of studying at the university level (Staff Writer, 2022). There is wide agreement that the role of MOOCs in higher education will grow in value and importance. The future anticipates MOOCs having a role in improving the ability to track instructional effectiveness and helping to launch a revolution in the delivery of higher education (Staff Writer, 2022).


Nanotech pioneer, J. Storrs Hall, devised utility fogs when attempting to reimagine a seat belt for the future. Utility fogs are a swarm of nanobots with the ability to assume the shape of other objects (Dvorsky, 2016). It is anticipated that utility fogs will work like programmable matter with the capacity to move around and potentially create virtual environments around users (Dvorsky, 2016). The benefit of this technology is the advancements it will bring to immersive learning experiences by offering a true sense of being within an alternate reality without the limitations of a headset. This technology is expected to become available by 2050 (Dvorsky, 2022)


Arshavskiy, M. (2021, May 12). Simulations and games: Making learning fun! eLearning Industry. Retrieved August 13, 2022, from https://elearningindustry.com/simulations-and-games-making-learning-fun. 

Dvorsky, G. (2016, November 11). 10 ludicrously advanced technologies we can expect by the year 2100. Gizmodo. Retrieved August 14, 2022, from https://gizmodo.com/10-ludicrously-advanced-technologies-we-can-expect-by-t-1788671727.

Gillis, A. S. (2022, July 12). What is augmented reality (AR)? WhatIs.com. Retrieved August 14, 2022, from https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/augmented-reality-AR#:~:text=Augmented%20reality%20(AR)%20is%20the,overlaid%20on%20top%20of%20it.

Lockett, B. (2022). Elevating the Role of Technology in Training and Development. Retrieved August 10, 2022, from https://www.adp.com/spark/articles/2020/10/elevating-the-role-of-technology-in-training-and-development.aspx. 

Sheldon, R. (2022, August 3). What is virtual reality? WhatIs.com. Retrieved August 14, 2022, from https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/virtual-reality  

Staff Writer. (2022). MOOCs: The future of higher education? Top Universities. Retrieved August 13, 2022, from https://www.topuniversities.com/student-info/distance-learning/moocs-future-higher-education#:~:text=A%20MOOC%20%E2%80%93%20massive%20open%20online,at%20prestigious%20institutions%20like%20MIT. 


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