The Future of Distance Learning: Reflection of a Novice
Advancements in technology have been a driving force in changing societal perceptions and acceptance of the validity and value of learning at a distance. Evolving from the model of correspondence learning supported by postal delivery, radio and television mediums progressed the one-way-delivery of instruction was an early, but failed attempt to extend teaching. The failure is attributed to varying obstacles. The inflexibility of synchronous scheduling failed to consider time zones and, even greater, the absence of inter-relational connectivity and shared experience contributed to passive learning (Baum & McPherson, 2019). Innovations continued, fueled by desires to remove barriers to education and resources to promote learning. The discovery and construction of the World Wide Web technologies helped to enhance the acceptance of online learning as a method expanding educational access. The increased availability, utilization, and practical application of tools that help to diminish the geographical separation in support of real-time global communications and engagements have greatly advanced the value attributed to distant learning as an effective instructional medium (Walden University, LLC (Producer), n.d). Businesses, industries, and educational institutions have realized the economic benefits through increased abilities to support growth and learning among larger and broader member audiences while minimizing the overhead costs of facilitators/faculty, facility space while expanding reach, creating opportunities for customization, increasing flexibility in meeting the needs of learners, having access to subject matter experts, and the ability to integrate experiential relevance. These outcomes, though broadly defined, provide a foundation for the potential of online learning as insight into the future of education. Transversely, despite the benefits that have been realized, the challenges that hinder the equitable delivery of high-quality, distant learning opportunities in higher education persist. The forced implementation of distance education as a response to the coronavirus pandemic that kicked-off in 2019 shined a bright light on the varied gaps that inhibit the prospect of attaining virtual learning environments that are reasonable and fair.
The lack of effective instructional
skillsets often exhibited by faculty members in the delivery of online
education impedes learner engagement and cognitive growth resulting in
diminished learner achievement and increased learner dissatisfaction (Naidu,
2014). As with most situations, negative experiences result in negative
perceptions. An abundance of research is available in justifying that the
presence of negative perceptions of learning result in decreased motivation and
persistence (Kauffman, 2015). The design of effective, well-organized
instructional content that is grounded in the use of proven principles,
theoretical frameworks, and utilizes effectual strategies for learning that are
supported by an adequate facilitator and learner
orientation, training, support, and evaluation are essential for the attainment of
high-quality environments that support efficient, effectual, learning
continuity. Thoughtful consideration must be given to the successful deployment
of the solution to ensure that the learning needs of the targeted learners are
met. However, the challenge of equitable access is a major barrier that
requires a broad and collaborative approach to resolve.
Despite growing acceptance and a better understanding of how to design, build,
and deploy effective engaging solutions for learning, the nation’s lack of
broadband infrastructures negatively impacts equitable access to distance
learning opportunities. There are major concerns that surround learners' ability
to access digital resources and instructional distant learning platforms
(Cullinan et al, 2021). The lack of stable, high-quality broadband access that
enables institutions of higher learning to adequately serve members (learners
and faculty) throughout their catchment area causes a true divide (Rasheed et
al., 2020). It is estimated that 20% of college students had trouble accessing
or maintaining internet connectivity during the pandemic (Gonzales as cited by
Cullinan et al., 2021). Resolving this issue will take the collaborative
efforts of federal, state, and local governments, parents, educational
institutions, and private industry.
I am of the opinion that the future of distance learning is extremely bright.
The use of technology for instruction, learning, and conducting business,
although tremendously flawed, created a phenomenon that exemplified the
efficiency and economic benefits of business that can occur at a distance. I
doubt that there are few who are willing to return to business as usual. I
believe that education will benefit in the wake. However, the necessary
supports and trainings must be put into place to mediate learner readiness and
support learner access. Instructors must be equipped with the knowledge,
skills, and abilities to effectively create and facilitate environments of
engaged and collaborative learning. Instructional designers must continue to be
creative and innovative in constructing solutions that help to facilitate
academic engagement and the effective transference of knowledge and skill as a
contributor for increased distance education advocacy.
As a scholar and practitioner of instructional design, my role is to identify,
define, and enact solutions that affect positive social change. I seek to
become involved in conversations and projects to drive instructional
advancements and to capitalize on the availability of technologies aimed at
increasing knowledge and awareness that is truthful, realistic, applicable, and
appropriate. Whether through design, instruction, or performance improvement,
my goal is to contribute to improving and furthering the availability of
equitable opportunities for learning.
Baum S., McPherson, M. (2019). The human factor:
The promise & limits of online education. Daedalus, 148(4),
235–254. doi:
Cullinan J, Flannery D, Harold J, Lyons S,
Palcic D. The disconnected: COVID-19 and disparities in access to quality
broadband for higher education students. Int J Educ Technol High Educ.
2021;18(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s41239-021-00262-1. Epub 2021 May 21. PMID:
34778524; PMCID: PMC8137268.
Kauffman, H. (2015). A review of predictive
factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning. Research in
Learning Technology, 23.
Naidu, S. (2014). Looking back, looking forward:
The invention and reinvention of distance education. Distance
Education. 35(3), 263-270.
Rasheed AR, Kamsin A, Nor AA. Challenges in the
online component of blended learning: A systematic review. Computers & Education. 2020;144:103701. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103701.
Walden University, LLC (Producer). (n.d.). The future of
distance education [Video file]. Retrieved form
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